Attention! Unfortunately, I did not have enough time to finish the game. This is my second game jam and my first ever going solo. That being said, there are a couple sprites stolen like the player sprite animations and map, which Nintendo owns. Also, there is a lot of fine-tuning to be done. Finally, there is a boss fight that I implemented, however, there was a last-minute bug and couldn't squeeze it into release.

With the game's current state, the best way to enjoy it is to try and immerse yourself into the world that I created. Ignore the boss and try interacting with the NPCs! ;)

Thank you for understanding,




Movement: AWSD

Attack: Left-click

Interact: E


About the game: You work for the Ghoul government. A peace treaty was signed between the Ghoul Society and human civilization. As per the treaty, ghouls are forbidden from transforming into and disguising as humans; however, some ghouls have broken this law and rebelled by secretly killing humans by disguising as them. This caused outrage and retaliation by especially right-winged humans, who are thirsty for vengeance against ghouls. You must find the rebelling ghouls and kill them while surviving ghoul discrimination and hate crimes by humans.

You just got word that a ghoul is running around the city and looking for its next victim, and your job is to kill it. Ghouls can turn into any human and blend in with the crowd. You can only identify a ghoul by checking whether it has a shadow or not. You need to do this before it gets dark out, or else it’ll be impossible to single out a ghoul. These ghouls have been able to survive by living in crowded cities where it’s hard to notice them. It may be hard to single out a person because they’re standing in a shadow, and your only choice is to wait till they leave it.

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